
Beauty of light

Light is a kind of self-cultivation, light is a state.
Elegant village, Apprehension of music, as light and eternal life to enjoy, urgent any, fresh, comfortable, cozy. Pale beauty in life, "nothing exciting is the truth"; light of the United States in exchange, "from the US-produced"; light in the pursuit of beauty, "indifferent to Ming-chi."
Light is not tasteless, but character, nature, such as late spring morning, the wind gentle, pure, such as the summer rain in the sky clarity, clear, such as the earth after the winter snow crystal, elegant.
Light flavor of life, such as drizzle filled the South: clear water, wind, switchgrass, Jiang Sheng, ship shadow, light smoke, Danru fog, mountains and empty, tree misty, hazy mood, giving a romantic, people reverie. To enjoy the light music, such as mountains, gurgling brooks, ding pound, and no hurry do not delay, a long charm. Look at that faint smile, as the mountains of orchids, elegant, delicate fragrance, people discard worldly worries and helplessness. Striver honorable, enterprising can Chin, enthusiastic person to be envied, it is strong in life, is a positive entry into the WTO; but calm and not aggressive, freely without distress, tranquil but not mediocre, it might well be yet another positive. People who fall in love with light, short and art in Hong Roots. In the free afternoon, at sunset the evening, a cup of tea, turn the hands of the book, to see family such as satellite, long-lasting and intimate, quality of life such as tea, Yau Hong and Apprehension.
"Pretty dress, but prime, but delicious tea gruel." Makeup, you are less colorful cool. Drink a cup of coffee, thick enough to make people excited, sleep at night. Long excited people are likely tired, haggard. A green tea product, giving sensual pleasure, give their hearts, Yuntie. Meat will often bored, but long life vegetarian Buddhist monks and nuns.
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