
Brother, a woman, your choice.

Brother, a woman, your choice.

I am now the subject since, so I felt ridiculous, but I have not think of a better title than this can be to express the innocence of that time.
Simple short conversation, the theme clear answer, so the conversation seemed so heavy, so helpless, so unexpected. Not a high level of conversation, what may not be high-level dialogue, but the two old friends not seen for a long chat, but casual chat out of the deepest feelings of friendship. This is very unexpected chat, but it is expected that the subject already, but put it too late or too early; our laughter and deep dialogue with the anatomy of the world in the face of harsh, look we are so cruel, and yet so innocent and helpless.
Now think: "I would rather give brother several times, does not hurt the wife of a man." Is a very pure man? Very deep for his choice of phrase, I really struggled to smile, to nod, and very reluctantly agreed to his choice. This confirms the choice, I'm fine to argue what! Customary understanding so I told him he was a real sense honed sophisticated, perhaps to be real pent-up mentality. Injurious his very negative language and then confirmed his faith, I realized that this sentence has not been much more than the cruel reality of the terrible. Let me phrase to now a cold sweat, then sentence me to now can not understand it, phrase it hurts, then I completely understand it this cold in front of the community.
He can trust that I talked to understand, and indeed I felt a accident, many hope that he drank wine, or unintentionally. Unfortunately, start to finish no indication that he was drunk language. Since he has is so realistic, I had to pretend to understand his choice, that came with the days, that the oath together, and that work together, I now feel the original is so ridiculous, so naive The. May also be required to appear for the time it kind of naive now! Perhaps that is also a young age. For today, it's an accident, I have no preparedness, but it is also already felt, and I have no choice but to escape each of them changed the face of the idea, her unchangeable me, but I can not cope anymore facts.

