
Paradigms for the text the sea, nearly half of Painting

Paradigms for the text the sea, nearly half of Painting

- Would like to thank all love this article, encouraging, inclusive and faithful text of fireworks.

Snow in the cold night sky, pleasantly surprised the first spring banging doors; winter winds title to warm thoughts, returning to the greeting the New Year brings happiness and blessings.
All along, thinking that, compared to the language, more like the text; because most of the time, will be hurt by the language; the text given, it is a good majority.
Words, as long as good faith and good will, whether it is sad or happy, decadent, or radical, just to warm hearts, to give pleasure, to enter into friendship, but also to communicate with the mind, it is eternal.
This night, New Year's season, write some text to warm hearts, open a closed mind, and the long pull caring state of mind, to know each other spend the friends, hope you know, understanding, tolerance and love, like me and feel good friendship.
Many times
Not strong enough
Rely on the text
See more of the wider world
Ocean than the sky, the heart is also broad
Love you more
These women write
First, start
More time, not used to direct expression that do not express the real feelings, and too ostentatious, often the results will not be solid; only those who are silent on their own inner feelings, is the most true, is also The most long-lasting.
People such as parents, loved ones, as well as myself, my pen is rarely directly to express gratitude, gratitude, nostalgia, longing and love, and even some autistic.
"Good mood" Essay Network is the first step I have chosen is truly their own choice. From September to enter, to do prose editor, to sign writers, until the individual corpus, the triple jump, is by far, the most fun writing a few steps on the road.
Wake up in the clear, the muddle of the walk, run a line dedicated, diligent to do, then Ran Tan accepted happily stand by.
A lot of the time, sneak out of time; in the home, office, or even meet up with friends, that they will set the home page in this web site, browse, understanding, thoughtful, careful consideration, publish, review, looking back, learning, surprise , sighs, relieved ... ...
In a very long time, saw the sun fall on the laptop through the black metal surface, the warm crisp; thick, intertwined with, rows and rows, as if the above written a beautiful story; bath the friendship of the sun, staring carefully, slowly read what, when the text is in the most beautiful blur.
Also see the warm sun shining down on the rocking chair on the front desk, Fu Shen chairs to sit, dense text has become a story, a section of thought, led by a continuously pregnant, the slightest throb ... ...
Heart has love, there will be a beautiful feeling, though nothing exciting, but it is also the warm heart; years, suffering has given way to such feelings as Fragrance Journal, become a refined beauty.

